Monday, April 20, 2009

Chapter 1...

So this is my second post. It has been awhile since my first post, basically because nothing big has happened. My classes are going pretty well. I am a business major at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut. I've got 2 more weeks of classes left, in which time i have to get like 3 major assignments and a test done in my most dreaded class; "information systems management 110." Math is a joke. I'm taking a mandatory low level calculus class, which i practically took twice in high school. I skip half the classes and teach myself the material the night before a test. I have a hundred average, with 24 bonus points (yea my teacher gives bonus points) to add on to my last test or the final...So basically, if i do well on the next test...i could get a 76 on my final and still have an A. Music130(my mandatory fine arts class) is a joke but a pain in the ass nonetheless...i have to go to an opera or classical concert and write a 4 page essay about what i felt when watching it before next tuesday. I'm doin pretty well in physics101(my mandatory science class lol). All i have left is the final in 2 weeks. With the curve, ive calculated that i could still get an A for the class if i get a 77 or higher on the final = SICK. Physics lab is a joke, my last lab is this friday WOOO. And to finish off the schedule, my last SB112(School of business class) is wednesday. That class is a 1 credit insta A mandatory class for my major.

Why did i mention all of that you ask??? Cause i felt like it; it's my blog so i can talk about WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT!!!

Sorry, just felt like Bale-ing out on you right there. If you havent heard Christian Bale flip a shit, i highly suggest lookin it up on youtube if you ever feel like your life is swirling out of control.

Basically, i mentioned all my schoolwork (or lack thereof) so that i could get that shit out of the way and move on to more important summer and poker!

I play online poker at My career is chock full of interesting turns but i'll leave my poker history for another post. At the moment, i have become majorly doomswitched. I, as well as my good buddy Matt (who constantly reminds me of all of my wrongdoings<3), can only chock this huge swing of ridiculous losses up to not playing enough. In order to beat variance (or getting beaten by a lucky bastard in other words) one should put in a lot of volume/games in order to balance out the stats. In doing this, you can make all of your decisions purely statistical, using ideas such as nash equilibrium and icm etc. (i'll go into further detail at a later post), and become profitable over time. I plan to play a lot more this summer, however for the next few weeks, i plan on just chilling out, getting my work done, and preparing for the best 4 months of summer of my life.

On the itinerary: RELAX, compete in the East Coast Poker Championships at Turningstone Casino/Resort in May, celebrate my 3 year anniversary with my girlfriend (yuck), grind the shit out of $6.5 45 person tournies on pokerstars, go to fire island for 3 days of drunken fun, work full time at a whopping $8.75/hr, go to turningstone 2 more times, and see a shitload of movies...

stay tuned for an in-depth look into my poker career and theory...

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